Brooklyn Lutherie

Mamie has been repairing and restoring instruments for 15 years.  With a background in fine art printmaking and an affinity for all things old and beloved, she started doing restoration work at Retrofret Guitars and worked her way up to Head of Repair.   In 2013 she and her business partner, Chloe Swantner, opened Brooklyn Lutherie, based in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY.  The Lutherie has an explicitly LGBTQIA+ friendly and anti-racist message, and this informs their relationships with clients.  

In addition to teaching repair workshops at ASIA and the Northwoods Seminar, Mamie contributes writing to different magazines and websites on repair and client relationships, and she is particularly interested in amplifying the work of women identified instrument builders and repairers across the field.  In 2018, Mamie began a summer Ukulele Building Camp for Girls for girl-identified kids aged 10-13.  

Brooklyn Lutherie Sign.jpg

232 3rd Street suite #E003, Brooklyn, NY, 11215

(347) 987-3835

Repairs are by APPOINTMENT ONLY. If you’d like to schedule an appointment please send us an e-mail or call us during the hours of 12-5 Tuesday through Saturday.